Saving 1,000's of
Windshields, and
$1,000's of Dollars,
for over 1,000 People
in Douglas and
Arapahoe County

Click on the Underlined
Links Below to Answer
all your Questions about
Auto Windshield Repairs!

What does repair cost?

When do I need repair?

How do I get my windshield repaired?

Why use Parker

Tips on avoiding cracks

Contact Parker



Windshield Repair by Parker Glass Weld in Parker Colorado, Douglas County Colorado, Arapahoe County Colorado
(303) 841- 7213 ask for Joe Huhn

What Does Windshield Repair Cost?

  • Nothing with comprehensive insurance coverage, not much without it. Repair is 100% covered by the comprehensive section of your automobile policy. Insurance companies waive comp deductibles, no matter how high, and pay the full cost of repair.

  • If you are skeptical, and most first-time repair customers are, check with your agent. Be sure to emphasize that you're asking about the difference between "repair" and "replacement" in your comp coverage.

  • If you don't carry comp coverage, call us. Whether you or your insurance pays for it, repair is still a lot cheaper than replacement.

  • With or without comp coverage, repair can save you $100's in new windshields over the life of your car; $1000's for as long as you drive.



Parker Colorado
Joe Huhn
Email Me Here!


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