Saving 1,000's of
Windshields, and
$1,000's of Dollars,
for over 1,000 People
in Douglas and
Arapahoe County

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all your Questions about
Auto Windshield Repairs!

What does repair cost?

When do I need repair?

How do I get my windshield repaired?

Why use Parker

Tips on avoiding cracks

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Windshield Repair by Parker Glass Weld in Parker Colorado, Douglas County Colorado, Arapahoe County Colorado
(303) 841- 7213 ask for Joe Huhn

Tips on Avoiding Cracked Windshields

When a stone chips your windshield, have it repaired ASAP. Until the damage is repaired:

In Cold Weather

Keep hot air and hot water off the windshield. Avoid hot air from the defrosters if possible. Don't run your car through a car wash that uses hot water.

In Hot Weather

Avoid cold water on hot windshields. Wash your car mornings or evenings when it's coolest; not mid-day.

After your windshield is repaired, these restrictions no longer apply.

HOWEVER, the above conditions can aggravate stress points in your windshield and result in stress cracks, even without the obvious presence of stone chips and short cracks.



Parker Colorado
Joe Huhn
Email Me Here!